Minggu, 06 Oktober 2019

Business Letter

Payment Letter

Example :

Saras's Coffee Manufacture
Tebet, Jakarta Selatan

Dear Ms. Pita,

We hereby confirm that we have received your payment of $286 for coffee invoice no 98AR6TA3. The entire amount of money was received today, March 09 2019.

This way we also would like to thank you for your promptness. We are looking forward to being in business with you again in the future.

Please do not hesitate to contact our company at 0986324 if you need any other further information. We will be pleasure to answer you to any question.

Best regards,
APA Inc.

Explain About Payment Letter in English and Indonesian

A payment letter is a polite way of reminding your customer of their pending bill. Because of busy schedules, some people forget to service their bills in time. In such a case, the individual can write a letter to remind them they are yet to pay the bill. A landlord, business owner, or learning institution can write a letter to ask for payment. Though you are requesting for delayed payments, it’s essential to use polite words in the letter; the individual might not be avoiding paying the bill, they might have forgotten to pay the bill.

Surat pembayaran adalah cara sopan untuk mengingatkan pelanggan Anda tentang tagihan mereka yang tertunda. Karena jadwal yang sibuk, beberapa orang lupa untuk membayar tagihan mereka tepat waktu. Dalam kasus seperti itu, individu dapat menulis surat untuk mengingatkan mereka bahwa mereka belum membayar tagihan. Pemilik, pemilik bisnis, atau lembaga pembelajaran dapat menulis surat untuk meminta pembayaran. Meskipun Anda meminta pembayaran tertunda, penting untuk menggunakan kata-kata sopan dalam surat itu; individu mungkin tidak menghindari membayar tagihan, mereka mungkin lupa membayar tagihan.

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